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Certified Floodplain Managers (CFM®) Certification

For the most up to date information on Continuing Education Credits, please refer to the ASFPM website or call them at 608-274-0123. 


The goal of the Association of State Floodplain Managers CFM® Program is to promote the wise use of the nation’s floodplains, help reduce the nation’s flood losses, and protect and enhance the natural resources and functions of floodplains. This is accomplished by improving knowledge and abilities of floodplain managers in the United States, and increasing the prominence of sound floodplain management in decision-making by local officials and the public. The CFM® Program recognizes and promotes floodplain knowledge and expertise while building the public’s confidence. The CFM® Program enhances credibility and visibility of the floodplain management profession in the nation.


The ASFPM CFM® Program offers Floodplain Manager certification to persons who demonstrate knowledge of the basic national approaches and programs of floodplain management. The CFM® designation is attained by any person who passes the national CFM® exam or their state’s Floodplain Management certification exam.


Individuals around the nation have earned and maintained their CFM® certification. RIFMA offers the CFM exam as part of the Annual Conference and Membership Meeting held during the spring of each year.


Maintenance of certification includes a continuing education component, which can be met through any approved event dealing with either floodplain or stormwater issues or closely related fields, of which several are sponsored annually by RIFMA.

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